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6th Member
is a nickname
the fans gave 
me years ago.

My job titles for RIOT
includes: Lighting Director,
Production Manager,
Tour Manager, Booking Agent,
Travel Agent, Guitar Tech,
Drum Tech, Bass Tech,
Merchandise Designer,
truck & van driver and helped with
interviews. I also host, design and
maintained beginning in 1999 two web
sites that fans and the press get
information from like Riotsweb.com and
MarkReale.com the official web sites that
are still up today. You name it I did for the
band for 20 years. Never took a dime when it
came to many of my tasked, only when we all
made money is when I got paid. I did it for the
love of music, fans and to make sure my friend
Mark and the rest of the band had a safe journey.

Thanks Mark Reale!  R.I.P. 
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